Enable and configure SNMP in vSphere 6 (ESXi)

Get command line access with SSH or ESXi Console as user root. Then run the following commands to enable SNMP and configure SNMP v2 community, SysLocation and SysContact. esxcli system snmp set -r esxcli system snmp set -c esxsnmpusr esxcli system snmp set -p 161 esxcli system snmp set -L “California, USA” esxcli system snmp … Read more

Set NTP on vSphere hosts via PowerCLI

As you saw in the previous post, missing ntp configuration on one the vSphere hosts burnt me. I did not want to go through 30 some hosts manually, so decided to bulk update the ntp configuration on all my hosts. After a quick google search i found SnowVM blog post on this. Here is the … Read more

How to configure HTTP/HTTPS proxy for iPython notebook server

Just to clarify, this is not a post on how to configure apache/nginx to proxy requests to iPython notebook server or a backend proxy. This is when you have a iPython notebook server running on your laptop/desktop behind a corporate/school proxy/firewall and any web requests needs to go through such proxy. On bash shell you … Read more

Nexus 1000v SNMP

I had a few of folks ask me about snmp configuration on 1000v last so am reusing the content I sent them for this post. This is basically a 5 minute configuration of Nexus 1000v SNMP monitoring with SolarWinds NPM.

Software Versions used:

Nexus 1000v version 4.0(4)SV1(3b)

Nexus 1000v version 4.0(4)SV1(4)

SolarWinds Orion NPM 10.2

Network Topology:
SolarWinds NPM was running in a VM on the same cluster as the VSM. Basically they were connected to the same physical Nexus 5020 and on the same vlan. So a very flat backend network topology and no firewall in between. before you begin make sure you can ping from Nexus 1000v to the NMS.

Configuration Steps:

Step 1.
Configure Nexus 1000v SNMP to send traps to the NMS.

Here we are using user xxxxxx to send traps to the NMS using management interface.

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