Enable and configure SNMP in vSphere 6 (ESXi)

Get command line access with SSH or ESXi Console as user root.

Then run the following commands to enable SNMP and configure SNMP v2 community, SysLocation and SysContact.

esxcli system snmp set -r
esxcli system snmp set -c esxsnmpusr
esxcli system snmp set -p 161
esxcli system snmp set -L "California, USA"
esxcli system snmp set -C [email protected]
esxcli system snmp set -e yes

Finally run ‘get’ to confirm the configuration

esxcli system snmp get

   Communities: esxsnmpusr
   Enable: true
   Engineid: 00000000000000aaaaaa1000
   Hwsrc: indications
   Largestorage: true
   Loglevel: info
   Port: 161
   Syscontact: [email protected]
   Syslocation: California, USA

That’s it, now open your favorite NMS software and start monitoring, at work I use Cisco Prime NAM, my choice at home is Observium

2 thoughts on “Enable and configure SNMP in vSphere 6 (ESXi)”

  1. What does the “Largestorage: true” indicate? We are having intermittent SNMP problems with 4 hosts and that is the only difference I see in the config.


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