Just to clarify, this is not a post on how to configure apache/nginx to proxy requests to iPython notebook server or a backend proxy.
This is when you have a iPython notebook server running on your laptop/desktop behind a corporate/school proxy/firewall and any web requests needs to go through such proxy. On bash shell you just export the env variable like this and its taken care off. However for a iPython server the env variables are not inherited from user bash profile.
You have to modify the iPython notebook server env. Create a file named 00-something.py under your .ipython notebook server profile and add the following:
For example:
vi /.ipython/profile_myserver/startup/00-startup.py
and add
import sys,os,os.path
you confirm the env variables by running
in a cell and the output{'CLICOLOR': '1', 'GIT_PAGER': 'cat', 'HOME': '/home/jay', 'HTTP_PROXY': 'http://proxy.example.com:80', ..
Next try
import requests
If you get a response [200] then you are all set.