VMware vSphere Big Data Extensions 2.x fails to connect to server

So I installed VMware vSphere Big Data Extensions using the OVF file and logged in management-server and installed the extension, enabled SSO and updated the certificate and tried connecting from vSphere webclient using BDE plugin to connect to the server, it fails with error

Please check the server has enabled SSO.

I found VMware KB 2060544, but not much help, I saw the same error in the log (/opt/serengeti/logs/serengeti.log) file, but re-enabling SSO or re-updating the certificate or rebooting the management-server did not help.

Then i noticed the timezone and then a light-bulb went “on” in my head, checked the VM time and it was off by a couple of hours, as the ESX host did not have ntp configured!!! rookie mistake :(.

Fixing ntp on host and rebooting the management server vm to allow it to sync up host time fixed the issue!

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